Saturday, February 22, 2014

Don't Be A Negative Nancy

We've all heard the term "Negative Nancy" or most of us have I'm sure.

See, from time to time we can all be negative. Nobody radiates positivity 100% of the time and if they do or appear to....well they most be a robot or something. Right? I mean hey, we all have our moments.

I'll be honest, I typically would find the negative in ANY situation before even thinking about a shimmer of positivity. Why? I think it's easier to spot the bad. Depending on the situation, the good may take a while to come to light. That doesn't mean it isn't there....just for the record.

I'm 27 years old and I'm just now learning to see things in a different way. Though I'm not sure the exact reason why I find myself looking at things in a more positive light, I believe it could be a result of facing some situations from my past that I never dealt with. I've found that when you uncover buried stuff, you know the kind you push deep down into your soul, well it's actually rejuvenating.

I find myself noticing when other people are being negative and I find that it really gets on my nerves. And then I wonder, did people notice the same thing about me when I was that way? And let me state right here, yes I still have my negative moments. Like I stated ^ there, I would have to be robotic if I didn't. I'm human, not perfect.

I'm trying to remove negativity from my life (as much as I can), that even means distancing myself from some people. And you have to. By seeking the positive and removing the negative, you're removing toxicity. And that will do wonders, it's amazing. Just try it, give it some time and I promise you'll notice a difference.
You are in control of your life. You can either allow negative people in your life or positive. You don't want people in your life who suck all the happiness out of you, the ones who make you feel undeserving. See the problem there isn't you, it's them. (not implying you don't make mistakes...hey....we all do) You have the right to open the door and show people the way out of your life, if all they are bringing to the table is bad for you.

When faced with a situation....STOP. THINK. (take some time to actually think about it) and then REACT. It's typical of us (depending on the situation) to react immediately without any sort of thought process going into it. Nothing good comes from reacting without thinking, I can promise you that.

You always hear people say, "life is too short." Usually it takes the death of someone for people to have that mindset. And then after a while they lose it. But if you stop and really think about is too short. Don't spend what time you have on this earth focusing on the bad, you've got to focus on the good. We may live in a horrible, ugly world but there is still good in it. Sometimes you just have to search for it.

Remember, your journey is YOUR journey. Nobody can embark on it and travel it for you. By your side, yes. But not for you. Not everybody is going to know your story either. So if someone casts judgement on you, brush it off and move forward.

So don't be a Negative Nancy, be a Positive Patty......or....whatever your name may be ;)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gluten/Dairy Free Sugar Cookie Donuts

Sugar Cookie Donuts? Yeah, that's right. Oh they are SO yummy! They are so fluffy, almost like cake. I didn't make a topping for these, personally it tasted great as my son isn't big on stickiness on his hands. :sensory:  My son is on the gluten/dairy free diet and he LOVED them!

1 3/4 Cup of Pamela's Sugar Cookie Mix
*Get the Sugar Cookie Mix here: Lucky Vitamin
2 Eggs
4 Tablespoons of Earth Balance Butter - melted
1 Tablespoon of Unsweetened Applesauce
1 Teaspoon Organic Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup of Honey
1/3 Cup of Almond Milk

*Update: Add Chocolate Chips to these....AMAZING! Find them here: Lucky Vitamin


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

In mixing bowl (I used my electric mixer), mix 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of melted butter, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened applesauce, 1/4 cup of honey and vanilla extract. After that is mixed together, add your 1 3/4 cup of sugar cookie mix and 1/3 cup of almond milk. Mix well.

Place batter in donut pan and bake 10-14 mins. I checked mine at 10 mins. and ended up doing 14 mins. total. My recipe made 9 donuts.
This little guy enjoyed 4 donuts. :)

Hope you enjoy these as much as we did! :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gluten/Dairy Free Mac and Cheese

Our son has been on a gluten/dairy free diet for quite some time. And for quite some time I've been on the hunt for a yummy mac and cheese recipe. In the past we tried some various brands, out of the box. And while it was gluten/dairy free....sadly, it tasted and smelled like tires. No joke.

My husband is currently stationed overseas and I told him that while he was away I WOULD find or make a recipe that was yummy. Our son has Autism, so he's extremely picky when it comes to food, certain textures or smells he just can't do. So receiving two thumbs up was the Ronnie stamp of approval.
That's the face I was hoping to see after he tasted it! 

Ingredients Needed:

Gluten Free Noodles - I used a 12 oz package - will include picture.
1 1/2 Cups of Soy Milk
1 - 8 oz Package of Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds Cheese - you can use cheddar instead if you want.
3 Tablespoons of Earth Balance Butter
1/4 teaspoon Garlic Power
1/4 teaspoon Ground Mustard
1/4 teaspoon Salt - add more if needed.
His noodles, which by the way I picked up at Walmart, are little ducks. Ducks! How cute is that? And he was SO excited about it too!

Ready to Cook?

Cook pasta as instructed on package. I used the entire 12 oz package.  After noodles are done cooking, drain and set aside. In a medium sauce pan, on low heat, melt your 3 tablespoons of butter. Whisk garlic powder and ground mustard in with butter. Add your package of cheese and milk. Stir occasionally, cook for about 15 mins. Mix cheese sauce and pasta until well combined.

He had TWO helpings and another bowl for an after bath snack. This is :HUGE: for him! :)

I hope you enjoy as much as we did! :)