Saturday, September 3, 2016

An Open Letter to Arkansas Pro-Vaxxers

I like to use this blog to talk about many things. From time to time I come here to vent. This is one of those times. I suppose that's one of the great things about having your own blog.

I'm in Arkansas. Yep. The state that is currently claiming to have a Mumps "outbreak". Cheese and crackers, okay let's take a look at something here. According to Arkansas Population 2016 there are 2,989,573 (ish) people living in Arkansas. **I'm only throwing an "ish" on there because I'm sure more people have been born since this number was taken. OKAY, so we have a couple of different/conflicting reports on how many ACTUALLY have the mumps, within 4 hours it went from:
"There are now four confirmed cases of mumps and 48 reported cases in Northwest Arkansas, according to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).
That brings the total of reported mumps cases to 52."

Friday, Springdale School District reported 11 more students had mumps symptoms, bringing the total number of infected students to 27. The district also reported two teachers have shown symptoms."

Basically some are showing symptoms, may or may not have it. Either way, let's say 60 indeed have the mumps out of approximately 2,989,573 consider this an outbreak? Seriously?

1 in 68 children in the U.S. have Autism. ONE IN SIXTY EIGHT. 
More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder

So let me get this straight. This is NOT considered troubling to you? But some MILD DISEASE is? This is so baffling to me.

Or how about the fact that between 2004 - 2015 there have been 108 deaths from the measles vaccine, but ZERO deaths from measles?!

I truly wish people would RESEARCH before popping off about vaccines. The HATEFUL comments I've seen floating around about this so called "outbreak" of mumps is ridiculous. And some of these people refer to themselves as Christian.

I do NOT care if you agree or not with another parent when it comes to their decision about vaccines. If you vaccinate, that's YOUR choice. I do hope that you did all your research and you aren't solely relying on a 5 min convo with a pediatrician. Read the ingredients, vaccine inserts (no, not the "what to expect" little sheet the nurse/doctor gives you, I'm talking the actual manufacturer insert, easily found on the FDA website) etc. If you haven't done that yet, please do. At the end of your extensive research, if you still feel vaccinating is what is best for your child...still your choice and I'm not going to judge you. At least you reached your decision after informing yourself.

If you don't vaccinate, that's YOUR choice as well. I've found through experience from meeting others that when people aren't vaccinating, they aren't for one of two reasons. 1) They have a vaccine injured child and decided to stop. 2) They did their research PRIOR to having a child and decided it wasn't in the best interest of their child.

People, you have to understand this. The government DOES NOT OWN YOUR CHILDREN. PERIOD. You need to understand that we ALL have the RIGHT to make medical decisions for our child/children. You don't have to agree with us, but you don't have to be hateful. (No, not everyone is being this way, some people genuinely respect us either way. I sincerely THANK YOU for that.)

I'm absolutely sick of seeing people say things like "I would rather my child be Autistic than dead". I can't begin to explain what a true slap in the face this is. Do you seriously think Autism is something easy to deal with, like it's a common cold? It's NOT. It's hell. Plain and simple, it can be pure hell for all parties involved. It doesn't stop at Autism. Some of these kids have other chronic issues that go with it. Seizures, delayed speech or no speech at all, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, behavioral challenges...the list goes ON.

I wouldn't wish Autism on ANY child/family. I do not enjoy watching my child struggle on a daily basis. Struggle because he can't figure out how to appropriately communicate his feelings, which leads to him becoming extremely overwhelmed and melting down. Melting down like it's the end of time, all because we try to introduce a new food and try for the umpteenth time to get him to take a BITE of a vegetable. Being screamed at, having things thrown at us, doors slamming, watching your child slap themselves because again, they can't seem to communicate how they are feeling and they can't handle the overwhelming feeling that comes with that. I watch my son and I can see it. The words are there, I can see his brain trying to process what he wants to say, but it's not working the way he wants. Having your 7 year old say through his tears, "I don't understand why I'm this way. I don't understand why I get so angry and I'm mean." It is truly heartbreaking.

I can sit here and spill my guts out to you how it is having a child with Autism, but until you LIVE it daily....YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND THIS LIFE.

I honestly do NOT care if you agree with me when I say my son is vaccine injured. Your opinion on the matter means THAT little to me. You WEREN'T there when he DRASTICALLY changed after his last set of vaccines. WE WERE THERE, NOT YOU. We are NOT the only parents who have seen changes in our children after they've been vaccinated. PLEASE, someone explain to me what we have to gain by making these claims? We've lost friends, we've lost doctors. We've gained lots of laughs, being called crazy, conspiracy theorists, idiot, don't deserve to be a parent, hope your child dies, the list of HORRIBLE things goes on.

Do you honestly think parents come out and say "hey, my child changed after vaccines" just to deal with the hellish, hateful backlash that comes with that? I'm sorry, if you think that's why we do this, you are seriously delusional.

**Yes. I'm very aware that not every parent with a vaccinated Autistic child believes vaccines caused their Autism. Yes. I'm very aware that there are non-vaccinated individuals who still have Autism. I'm not discussing those issues today, so that argument can be saved for a later date. 

And NO, Autism is NOT the only reason parents don't vaccinate. So stop with that argument. There are other vaccine injuries besides Autism. Do some of you seriously not understand that vaccines are NOT a one size fits all?

And BEFORE anyone brings up "that one scientist/doctor who lied", PLEASE educate yourself.
Dr. Wakefield NEVER said vaccines cause autism.
Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist. He saw a number of children with gastrointestinal problems who also happened to be diagnosed with autism. Dr. Wakefield reported his observations. He never claimed that the MMR “caused” autism. He merely reported that a number of children he had seen had BOTH gastrointestinal problems AND autism, and according to parental report, these issues developed within a short time of when the children received the MMR vaccine.

And BEFORE you come at me with the same thing I always hear...."but...but...but....vaccines are why we don't see all these diseases anymore. vaccines eradicated disease." EDUCATE YOURSELF AGAIN on how disease was on the DECLINE prior to the introduction to vaccines. Yes, PRIOR.

I don't get it. The information IS available to you to research, yet I see so much misinformation and blatant lies being spread. People, please. Just do your research. Those of us who choose not to vaccinate can't continue to do the research for you. You're an adult, do it yourself. We do not owe you anything, we don't have to prove ourselves and our decisions to you. Take the time and actually RESEARCH.

Since I'm pretty sure the majority of you won't even bother looking into ingredients, here ya go...
This is a list I compiled, breaking down ::some:: of the ingredients:

Formaldehyde: Embalming fluid - yep, what they put into the deceased as a preservation fluid. A colorless, flammable, strong-smelling chemical that is used in building materials and to produce many household products. It is used in pressed-wood products, such as particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard; glues and adhesives; permanent-press fabrics; paper product coatings; and certain insulation materials. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a human carcinogen.

Fetal Bovine Serum: A common component of animal cell culture media. It is harvested from bovine fetuses taken from pregnant cows during slaughter. FBS is commonly harvested by means of a cardiac puncture without any form of anesthesia.

Recombinant Human Albumin: Human albumin is a protein found in blood plasma and recombinant means it’s genetically engineered. When this is injected, it’s been known to cause chills, fever, nausea, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing.

Hydrolyzed Gelatin: This is collagen collected from the bones of animals, including cows, fish, poultry, and rabbits. It contains free glutamic acid (MSG) and aspartic acid, two amino acids that can negatively affect neurological health.

WI-38 Human Diploid Lung Fibroblasts: The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age.

MRC-5 Cells: A cell line that was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman.

Flu Vaccines -
On November 20, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Flucelvax, which is the first U.S.-licensed (trivalent inactivated) influenza vaccine manufactured using cell culture technology.
The first two ingredients listed for Flucevax are Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, MDCK cell DNA. Did you catch that? CANINE, from a female Cocker Spaniel.
Influenza (Flublok): baculovirus and host cell proteins, baculovirus and cellular DNA. What's that? Insect. Yeah, this particular flu vaccine was made using an insect cell/virus line.

Vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, insect cells, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain. 

All this info is available to you on your favorite source, the CDC. And if you are comfortable injecting this into your children, that is your choice and your right as their parent. But STOP bashing those of us who decide NOT to. 

OKAY....sorry, back to the "outbreak". There has YET to be any sort of confirmation that non-vaccinated students have contracted and/or are showing symptoms of the Mumps. In fact, straight from the school, the non-vaccinated do NOT have the Mumps. 

Please explain to me how a child who is NOT sick with said illness can spread it? Oh wait....they can't. STOP blaming people who don't vaccinate for the inefficient vaccines that are being injected into your children. STOP telling us our children are going to or are infecting others. Children are NOT born with all these diseases lying dormant in their bodies waiting to spread to others.

From the Arkansas Department of Health "Two doses of MMR vaccine is 88 percent effective in preventing mumps, meaning there is no guarantee it will actually "work". It is a live virus vaccine and is not recommended for pregnant women or patients with a weakened immune system" DID YOU CATCH THAT? 88, not 100, but 88% effective. LIVE VIRUS. 

What does this mean? The MMR does NOT offer 100% immunity to the Mumps. A LIVE VIRUS means it CAN SHED. Are you connecting the dots yet? If you have been vaccinated with a live virus, you can walk around sharing it with others. Gee....could it be that the mumps "outbreak" is actually being caused by the very people who were vaccinated for it? Looks to be that way, the school has already commented that the non-vaccinated were NOT sent home for having mumps.

WAKE UP people.

And oh my lanta....PLEASE stop saying ignorant comments like "your kids shouldn't be allowed in public school unless they are vaccinated". Do you stop every random child in public places and make sure they are up to date on vaccines? I mean...let's be honest here, you would be kind of crazy if you did.

Are you up to date on vaccines? According to the CDC adults are largely unvaccinated. So please...tell me again how a non-vaccinated child is putting others at risk?

Another post that might interest you with more links: Find it here